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01. – 02.09.23

FFT Düsseldorf

The start of the series Peer to Peer – A Month of Media Art in NRW is a weekend at the FFT (Forum Freies Theater) Düsseldorf. The programme is also the season opening of the institution. Several currently urgent questions surrounding ecosystems, the Anthropocene and infrastructures will be addressed from the perspectives of media art in the programme on both days. Discussions revolving around several of the sponsored projects, a video installation, an urban walk, lectures and the Resurrect in Peace (R.I.P.) performance by Anan Fries can be experienced. Fantasies and promises of mastery over and control of nature with the help of technology converge in the artistic search for new narratives beyond the logic of mastery and exploitation. The findings of these search movements are translated through various artistic practices into performance, moving images and digital media and made accessible.


Fri, 01.09.

3.00 pm – 5.30 pm

Guerrilla commun-ication: Subversive creative actions

From altered advertising to counterfeit mailings

Type: Workshop

Location: Foyer

Language: German

Art and political activism have many points of contact. Climate protection activist and author Hanna Poddig dedicates herself to one in particular in this workshop: subversion.

Hidden theatre, altered advertising posters and counterfeit official letters have one thing in common: they attempt to think around corners, to use the strength of the other for themselves, to shift the boundaries of the conceivable. What can such interventions in different contexts accomplish, how can they be realised and what are real experiences?

Registration at: FFT Düsseldorf

5.30 pm – 11.00 pm

The Alchemy of Clouds

Art, Activism and Splitting Communities

Type: Installation

Location: Stage II

Language: German

For the project, the artist duo of Nina Fischer & Maroan el Sani staged an artistic experiment on the grounds of Floating University Berlin in the rainwater reservoir of the decommissioned Tempelhof Airport. This involves a planning game that imagines a speculative scenario in which a glowing cloud floating over a village triggers ominous social division. In the field of tension between terrestrial and extraterrestrial utopias and dystopias, the video work raises questions we face with regard to climate change: how should we deal with extreme weather events? Do we want to limit our perception to seeing in them only random natural phenomena? Or should we see them as occasion for immediate action? How can the division of society be overcome and how can we generate new models of coexistence for the future? The scenario can be relived on the first P2P weekend in a 6-channel video installation.

6.00 pm

Welcome and ceremonial opening

Type: Festival Opening

Location: Foyer

Language: German

Office medienwerk.nrw and partners invite you to the ceremonial opening of Peer to Peer in the foyer of the FFT Düsseldorf! With speeches by Jochen Link (Ministry for Culture and Science of the Federal State of NRW), Kathrin Tiedemann (FFT Düsseldorf), Fabian Saavedra-Lara and Klaas Werner (Office medienwerk.nrw).

7.00 pm

Ways to the Anthropocene:

Critical Narratives and Disorientation

Type: Keynote

Location: Foyer

Language: German

In connection with the politics of the Anthropocene, the curator Bergit Arends speaks about artists who work with cultures of the black diaspora to question the relationships between the human being, country and conceptions of nature.

She discusses projects of contemporary visual artists who use archives together with photography as documentary and performative media to examine environmental changes. These artistic practices reject individual perspectives on environmental changes in favour of a diverse and decentralised idea of environment. 

8.00 pm

R.I.P. – Resurrect in Peace

Type: Performance

Location: Stage I

Language: English German

Resurrect In Peace (R.I.P.) is a funeral for a bird. The passenger pigeon was driven to extinction more than a century ago, and now we say farewell. The performance of media artist Anan Fries celebrates the finiteness of all existences and surveys the political potential of a possible resurrection.

R.I.P. is a dirge in computer graphics. The masters of ceremonies are the performers. They are connected with the computer graphics via motion tracking and unite virtual with physical reality.

Tickets via: www.fft-duesseldorf.de

9.30 pm


Type: DJ-Set opening party

Location: Foyer

YAYA is not a who
YAYA is not a what
YAYA is a need, for you and me. 

YAYA is a crew, a platform that offers space and a voice for club and pop culture. YAYA is a space of solidarity with a focus on BIPOC femmes. YAYA are musical companions of the P2P Month of Media Art in September. We will listen to the sounds of this interesting formation at all four locations.

Frau Beji & Ayawa
Visuals by GînBalixfluppe42

YAYA craftingstation hosted by saschee and friends


Sat, 02.09.

11.00 am – 1.00 pm

Exposed green

To the stone valleys and green hills of the city

Type: City tour

Location: Meeting point | Foyer

Language: German

Hauke Heumann, Jan Lemitz and Moritz Hannemann

The 20th century built with exposed concrete, the 21st century builds exposed green. Hauke Heumann, Jan Lemitz and Moritz Hannemann have developed a city walk through the Düsseldorf urban space in which texts and images are confronted with concrete places in the urban space. On the way to the stone valleys and green hills of the city, historical projections will become experienceable and questions relating to urban development will be formulated.

Registration via: tickets@fft-duesseldorf.de

2.00 pm – 10.00 pm

The Alchemy of Clouds

Art, Activism and Splitting Communities

Type: Installation

Location: Stage II

Language: German

For the project, the artist duo of Nina Fischer & Maroan el Sani staged an artistic experiment on the grounds of Floating University Berlin in the rainwater reservoir of the decommissioned Tempelhof Airport. This involves a planning game that imagines a speculative scenario in which a glowing cloud floating over a village triggers ominous social division. In the field of tension between terrestrial and extraterrestrial utopias and dystopias, the video work raises questions we face with regard to climate change: how should we deal with extreme weather events? Do we want to limit our perception to seeing in them only random natural phenomena? Or should we see them as occasion for immediate action? How can the division of society be overcome and how can we generate new models of coexistence for the future? The scenario can be relived on the first P2P weekend in a 6-channel video installation.

2.30 pm – 3.00 pm

Behind the hedges

Image policy of urban design

Type: Lecture

Location: Foyer

Language: German

Derrida’s The University without Condition is a kind of manifesto for the freedom of research and resistance to the economic co-optation of universities. Designers are trained to visualise natural promises like that of an Ingenhoven valley. The workshop and performance programme aims in the opposite direction, deconstructs the image policy and analyses its impact on the space. The talk by Anja Vormann illustrates our discoveries by way of a short journey through the pictorial world of the Ingenhoven valley phenomenon.

3.00 pm

Re-Imagining Public Life – Revisited

Type: Talk

Location: Foyer

Language: German

Anja Vormann, Laura Oldörp, Hauke Heumann, Jan Lemitz and Moritz Hannemann

The Re-Imagining Public Life project artistically examines and researches current  transformations of the city and the public. The Kö-Bogen II area in the city centre of Düsseldorf became the starting point for a contention with metropolitan design and the narratives surrounding it. In a conversation, the project participants discuss the undertaken interventions, research and experiments: how can we behave in an urban space that has become an image without becoming part of the staging ourselves? What artistic means can we use to intervene and how can counter-images be produced?

4.30 pm

Art, activism and common strategies for climate justice

Type: Talk

Location: Foyer

Language: German

with Nina Fischer, Maroan el Sani and Hanna Poddig. Hosted by Vanina Saracino

The conversation will focus on the video installation The Alchemy of Clouds – Art, Activism and Splitting Communities by the artists Nina Fischer & Maroan el Sani. It examines various forms of collective resistance and the establishing of new communities in the struggle for climate justice. How do we position ourselves and when do we feel called upon to act immediately? From the perspective of the climate movement, climate protection activist Hanna Poddig talks about subversive-creative actions as a method for collective action.

6.30 pm

Technologies and artefacts of planetary care:

From Programming Progress to embracing Degrowth

Type: Lecture

Location: Foyer

Language: English

As we are already experiencing the consequences of environmental catastrophe, we are called upon to consider technology-based solutions. Can today’s anthropogenic climate be restored to its preindustrial levels? Can the planet be reprogrammed and what would that mean? What does planetary care really lie upon, and which technologies, infrastructures and artefacts are we in need of? The lecture of curator and author Daphne Dragona addresses these questions through critical approaches found in contemporary artistic and curatorial practices. It also focuses on initiatives and alternatives driven from the logic of degrowth and, hence, refers to the environmental commons, as well as to low tech and local knowledge.

8.00 pm

R.I.P. – Resurrect in Peace

+ Follow-up Conversation

Type: Performance

Location: Stage I

Language: German English

Anan Fries

On the second evening, the media artist Anan Fries once again takes us along for a techno-intensive ritual that surveys the death and resurrection of passenger pigeons by human beings in a hybrid fashion. This will be followed by a follow-up conversation with the artists.

Tickets at:



FFT Düsseldorf
Konrad-Adenauer-Platz 1
40210 Düsseldorf
(Google Maps)


As a team, we are working to make this event a more inclusive event. At the same time, we are bound by the space constraints and limitations of the various venues.

For information and on-site support, Mareen Biermann is available at info@medienwerk-nrw.de.

Our venues at the FFT are barrier-free.

  • The building is barrier-free accessible.

  • Elevator access is at ground level.

  • Barrier-free restrooms and a wheelchair-accessible restroom are available.

  • Barrier-free access is possible via the parking garage.

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