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A Month

With the Peer to Peer – A Month of Media Art in NRW event series in September 2023, the Office medienwerk.nrw and cooperation partners invite to a journey through the diverse and charismatic media art landscape of North Rhine-Westphalia. In workshops, performances, presentations, talks and urban walks, we look at current debates in the field of tension between art and technology on five consecutive weekends in Düsseldorf, Cologne, Havixbeck (near Münster) and Essen and position these jointly in a broader socio-political context. The starting point is provided by the sponsored projects from the programmes Medienkunstfonds and Medienkunstfellows of the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Venues: FFT Düsseldorf; Academy of Media Arts Cologne; Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, Cologne; Burg Hülshoff – Center for Literature (CfL), Havixbeck near Münster; PACT Zollverein, Essen.

A project by www.medienwerk.nrw

Opening of the festival at FFT: Friday, 1 September 2023
Duration of the festival: 1– 30 September 2023

FFT Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf

#Natur #Infrastruktur #Ökologie #Anthropozän

The start of the series Peer to Peer – A Month of Media Art in NRW is a weekend at the FFT (Forum Freies Theater) Düsseldorf. The programme is also the season opening of the institution. Several currently urgent questions surrounding ecosystems, the Anthropocene and infrastructures will be addressed from the perspectives of media art in the programme on both days. Discussions revolving around several of the sponsored projects, a video installation, an urban walk, lectures and the Resurrect in Peace (R.I.P.) performance by Anan Fries can be experienced. Fantasies and promises of mastery over and control of nature with the help of technology converge in the artistic search for new narratives beyond the logic of mastery and exploitation. The findings of these search movements are translated through various artistic practices into performance, moving images and digital media and made accessible.

Kunst­hoch­schule für Medien Köln &
Rauten­strauch-Joest-Museum, Köln

#Archive #Agency #Memory #Blank Spaces

The second weekend focuses on the artistic exploration of cultural archives, their voids and their partly conflict-ridden history, which is to be made visible and pluralized through forms of alternative knowledge production as well as with the possibilities of digital media and strategies of performance art. As a double host, the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum and the Academy of Media Arts Cologne (KHM) refer to the joint exploration of the museum's collection in a postcolonial context and new possibilities of its digital research. Workshops, a depot access tour, talks, a listening session, and lectures will highlight many more practices in dealing with institutionalized and informal archives.

Burg Hülshoff – Center for Literature (CfL), Havixbeck

#Interfaces #Interaktionen #Überschreibungen

On the third weekend of the Peer to Peer – A Month of Media Art series at the Burg Hülshoff – Center for Literature, the focus is on projects that deal with new narrative styles mediated through technology and enable extraordinary experiences and encounters for visitors. The bandwidth of contemporary technologies used is varied. Methods like sensor technology, augmented reality, sampling or motion capturing can be experienced in workshops, installations and walks.

The programme, composed of several of the sponsored projects, is complemented by performances and readings in which the societal and individual impacts of technology play a vital role today and in possible futures.

PACT Zollverein, Essen

#Body #Politics #Artificial Intelligence #Bias

#Body #Politics #Bias

The fourth weekend focuses on the project I Am Your Body by the artist Marco Donnarumma, who, during his fellowship, explored the alternative perception of sounds through artificial intelligence together with a working group of D/deaf and hard of hearing individuals. The premiere of a performance resulting from the creative process and an exhibition featuring a new video work by Donnarumma will be presented. Additionally, there will be discussions and presentations addressing various aspects related to Ability, Technology, and Bias.

#Artificial Intelligence

Concluding the event, we, along with our partner, shed light on the current discussions surrounding the field of artificial intelligence. A dual presentation will delve into some sociopolitical questions associated with the topic. The focus will primarily be on the possibilities (and risks) that arise for art and culture. An extensive workshop, designed by the scientist Maren Butte and the choreographer Ben J. Riepe, will explore the intersection of technology and dreams. On two evenings, the elaborate theatrical work ANIMA™ by Alexander Schubert, created with the help of artificial intelligence, will be showcased.



FFT Düsseldorf
Konrad-Adenauer-Platz 1 | 40210 Düsseldorf 
Das FFT befindet sich im ersten Stock des KAP1 und ist mit dem Aufzug direkt erreichbar.

ÖPNV: Das KAP1 ist über die Haltestellen Worringer Platz und Düsseldorf Hbf erreichbar. 

PKW: Das Parkhaus KAP1 befindet sich an der Rückseite des KAP1. Die Einfahrt ist über die Karlstraße 127-135 erreichbar.

Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Filzengraben 2 | 50676 Köln     

ÖPNV: Die KHM ist über die Haltestelle Heumarkt mit der Tram (1, 5, 7, 9) und über die Haltestelle Severinstraße, ebenfalls mit der Tram (3, 4, 17) erreichbar. 

PKW: Es gibt keine Parkmöglichkeiten am Veranstaltungsort. Jedoch befinden sich einige Parkmöglichkeiten rund um die KHM, wie dem Ampidoparkplatz (Hochpfortenbüchel 2A, 50676 Köln) oder der Tiefgarage Heumarkt (Markmannsgasse 3, 50667 Köln).

Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum – Kulturen der Welt
Cäcilienstraße 29-33 | 50667 Köln

ÖPNV: Das Museum ist über die Haltestelle Neumarkt mit der Tram (1, 3, 4, 9, 16, 18) erreichbar. 

PKW: Die Tiefgarage Cäcilienstraße befindet sich direkt unter dem Museum. Die Einfahrt ist über die Cäcilienstraße erreichbar.

PACT Zollverein
Bullmannaue 20a | 45327 Essen

ÖPNV: PACT Zollverein ist über die Haltestelle Abzweig Katernberg / Essen Zollverein mit der Tram (107) und über die S-Bahn Haltestelle Zollverein Nord erreichbar. 

PKW: Es gibt nur eingeschränkte Parkmöglichkeiten am Haus. Jedoch befinden sich kostenfreie Parkmöglichkeiten am Parkplatz A2 auf der Zeche (5 Min. Fußweg entfernt). 
PACT Zollverein ist über die A40 Ausfahrt Essen-Frillendorf und über die A42 Ausfahrt Gelsenkirchen-Hessler erreichbar.

Burg Hülshoff
Schonebeck 6
 | 48329 Havixbeck
Die Burg Hülshoff liegt circa 10 Kilometer von Münster entfernt bei Havixbeck (Kreis Coesfeld).

ÖPNV: Die Burg Hülshoff ist über die Haltestelle Burg Hülshoff mit dem Bus R64 Richtung Havixbeck ab Münster Hbf erreichbar. 

Der Bus verkehrt im 2-Stunden-Takt, bitte den aktuellen Fahrplan beachten. Am 16.09. stellen wir zusätzlich einen Shuttlebus um 22:45 und 23:15 Uhr von der Haltestelle Burg Hülshoff nach Münster HBF zur Verfügung. 

PKW: Es befinden sich kostenfreie Parkmöglichkeiten am Haus. 
Die Burg Hülshoff ist über die A1 Ausfahrt Kreuz Münster-Nord sowie über die A43 Ausfahrt Senden erreichbar.


As a team, we are working to make the Month of Media Art in NRW a more inclusive event. However, we are also bound by the spatial constraints and limitations of different venues.

For information and on-site support, you can contact Mareen Biermann at info@medienwerk-nrw.de.

General accessibility information: Many of our event venues are accessible for people with physical disabilities, with some exceptions. Unfortunately, we cannot provide access for deaf and blind individuals. However, the events during the weekend of September 22nd to 23rd at Pact Zollverein with Marco Donnarumma focus intensively on addressing questions and approaches related to deaf or hard of hearing individuals.

Admission: For our paid events, individuals with a severe disability pass receive reduced admission. Accompanying persons receive free admission if their attendance is registered one day before the event begins by emailing info@medienwerk-nrw.de with the subject "Accessibility," and the respective event is not already fully booked. Wheelchair users can also register their attendance one day before the event to reserve seats in advance.

Service dogs are welcome at FFT events after prior registration at tickets@fft-duesseldorf.de / 0211-876787-250.

More detailed information about the accessibility of each event venue can be found in the arrival/practical information section. This information mainly concerns access for people with physical disabilities.

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